At the blue & gold banquet Cameron really didn't like the sound of the balloons popping (they had badges hidden inside the balloons and had to pop the balloon to get the badge out). Here he is covering his ears, lol...
And when asked what his favorite part of cub scouts was, Cameron's answer was, "getting the badge was the best. oh, and eating the cake!" J
Cameron is practicing his cub scout pledge here on our kindergarten students. You can tell they are utterly enthralled with it!
Here is Cameron's Bear group singing the opening song for the Blue & Gold banquet.
This video just shows the end of a little bit they said about Cameron. Of course, my camera battery died just as they awarded him his bobcat badge, but at least I caught the tail end where they awarded him another badge (or something that looked like a badge? but goes on your belt? I really have no idea what it